Skill Development

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Institute Of Management Studies And Research

Skill Development

We believe that individual and group presentations on contemporary subjects are one of the best methods to enhance inquiring attitude, reasoning and presentation skills. By working in small groups to develop and prepare presentations, participants experience the challenges associated with group responsibility, collective decision-making and persuasive communication. Making presentations leads to experiences that enhance participants' ability to express their ideas clearly and convincingly.

As an added feature of our teaching methodology, we at IOM&R consistently thrust upon the group discussions as a method to groom the affective and cognitive domains of the students’. Group discussions not only encourage students to exchange their own experiences but also foster positive peer support and feeling of belongingness.

With a conviction that reading is an active mental process that enhances reasoning skills of an individual, we also actively engage our students in the book review activity. Students participate in reviewing books related to management, fiction, economics, spirituality, technology, autobiography etc and will present their learning to the class.

Guest lectures on current corporate practices provide a vital learning. The eminent corporate personalities share their knowledge and experiences, that are very useful for the practicing managers. The Q&A session after the guest lecture is a venture where our students confirm their learning and understanding about the topic.

Club Activities

The institute offers three clubs aimed at fostering adventure, leadership, organizational skills, artistic appreciation, and lifelong hobbies for healthy recreation. The clubs and their activities are:
Adventure Club : Organises adventure activities like trekking, rock climbing, repelling, survival exercises and outdoor camping.
Sports Club : Organises sports competitions, sports coaching and fields teams in competitions.
Music Club : The club organizes musical programs and organizes training on musical instruments.
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Mini Project

Fresh students are required to study a given industry, prepare a project report and give a presentation on one of the companies of that industry. Understanding the skeleton of an organization, its products/services, strategies, competitors, financial statements, best practices and SWOT analysis by using secondary data, requires specialized training and knowledge.

Major Project

As the course proceeds to the final year the students have to again join hands with a company and study the issues in their respective specialization in the form of a project. This is an exclusive activity and in depth research of a particular issue or a problem which concludes with recommendations and suggestions to the company.

Case Studies

Case studies are an integral part of the learning experience at IOM&R. Case based learning provides the students with an enriched learning experience motivates tem to justify their Extensive discussions on the case studies enable the students to live in real business situations and strengthen their rational decision making skills.

Business Plans

Imparting the students with a hands-on experience of the corporate world, we conduct business plan activities. This activity involves virtually planning a business from the scratch with minute details of the product, finances, marketing and human resource planning. The plans are critically evaluated at the presentation.

Internal Evaluation

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) at IOM&R is a scientifically designed and a transparent process. Internal assessment is based on all ingredients of academic life. It is based on the attendance of students, internal examinations (mid-term & prelim), assignments, workbooks and conduct & behavioral aspects of the students. This is primarily to inculcate habit of hard work, consistency in performance and better assimilation. CIE has 40 percent weightage in the final grades awarded under the MGM University exams.


In order to bring the students from all specializations, all sections and programs together on one platform for various competitive activities, a system of 'Houses' has been implemented in the institute. The houses will compete in various sports, academic and cultural activities.

The houses are as under:


“Named after the intelligent kingmaker of ancient times and the author of ‘Arthshatra’ this house competes under Maroon coloured flag.”


“The students of this house are motivated by this famous Indian mathematician and astrologer. The house upholds a Bottle Green flag.”


“Enthusiasm infused by this famous ‘yogi’ and an Indian philosopher pushes the members of this house to give their best in all the competitions. They carry ‘Navy Blue’ flag.”