Institute Of Management Studies
And Research
We believe that individual and group presentations on contemporary subjects
are one of the best methods to enhance inquiring attitude, reasoning and
presentation skills. By working in small groups to develop and prepare
presentations, participants experience the challenges associated with group
responsibility, collective decision-making and persuasive communication.
Making presentations leads to experiences that enhance participants'
to express their ideas clearly and convincingly.
As an added feature of our teaching methodology, we at IOM&R consistently
thrust upon the group discussions as a method to groom the affective and
cognitive domains of the students’. Group discussions not only encourage
students to exchange their own experiences but also foster positive peer
support and feeling of belongingness.
With a conviction that reading is an active mental process that enhances
reasoning skills of an individual, we also actively engage our students in the
book review activity. Students participate in reviewing books related to
management, fiction, economics, spirituality, technology, autobiography etc
and will present their learning to the class.
Guest lectures on current corporate practices provide a vital learning. The
eminent corporate personalities share their knowledge and experiences, that
very useful for the practicing managers. The Q&A session after the guest
lecture is a venture where our students confirm their learning and
understanding about the topic.